Holds and Not Ready-To-Ship Orders in ShipHero

Holds are placed on orders either automatically or manually.  The Accounts team will reach out if holds have aged but it is on our brand partners to check in to the system daily to reconcile order holds or address holds.

There are 4 different Holds in ShipHero. Holds are either manually placed, automatically placed, or pushed from Shopify:

  • Operator Hold
  • Address Hold
  • Payment Hold
  • Fraud Hold

A breakdown of each hold is listed below!

If you would like to add or remove holds from multiple orders, you are able to bulk edit the orders to update all at once

Steps to Add or Remove holds via Bulk Edit:

1. In the Manage Orders page, select the orders that you want to bulk edit. Click on "Bulk Edit"

2. In Bulk Edit, scroll down to find the different holds. Here you can select what update you would like to make:

Operator Hold- A hold manually placed by someone in ShipHero or via an Automation in ShipHero

For more information on Operator Holds and how an Operator Hold can stop an order in the fulfillment process, check out this article: How to update an active Order or place an Order Hold.

Example - This client added an Operator Hold to stop the order in the fulfillment process in order to make some updates. When ready, this client will remove the Operator Hold for the order to be fulfilled. 

Sometimes Operator Holds are placed by the i Logistics USA Team during the fulfillment process. Internally for our team they only have the option to select "Operator Hold" when met with a blocker (needing to replenish a pick bin, address issues when packing, etc). 

When a i Logistics USA Team member places an Operator Hold internally we will clean these up multiple times a day. 

If you have any questions about a hold placed by one of our Team members, please reach out to the Accounts team for more information or escalation.

Address Hold- A hold added by ShipHero is the address comes back as invalid OR an address hold is placed by the i Logistics USA Team notifying the Client that the address needs to be verified/ updated.

Example - This address is invalid per ShipHero as seen in the Order History. The i Logistics USA team has updated the hold in this order to be "Address Hold" to notify the client to check the address for this customer.


- In the order, enable "Ignore Address Validation Errors" in the Order Details sections. This will force ShipHero to recognize the shipping address as being complete:

Payment Hold- A hold added from Shopify when payment has failed, payment has not been accepted, or when a payment hold has been manually added. Payment holds have to be removed in ShipHero.

Example - This orders' payment is pending. The client added a payment hold to note this in ShipHero. When payment is accepted, this hold will need to be manually removed. 

Fraud Hold- A hold added from Shopify when Shopify recommends that an order be investigated. This will sometimes happen with different addresses used for the shipping address, billing address, etc. Or if a CC has failed. Fraud holds have to be removed in ShipHero.

Example - This order had a Fraud Hold come over from Shopify from Shopify's recommendation to Investigate. This hold would be one where the client would need to go into their Shopify to do some detective work as to why Shopify recommends canceling. If an order is indeed good to be fulfilled, the Fraud Hold needs to be removed manually in ShipHero.

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