How to Pull Reporting on Shipped Orders

Pulling reporting in ShipHero for shipped orders is quick and easy! 

Here are the steps to pull Shipped Order Data in ShipHero:

1. Head over to Manage Orders, and update the following in the left side column:

*Order Date Rage*

You will need to specify here the time period that you would like to see. If you are wanting to look at a single day (like August 24), then I recommend including the day before and after in your set (Aug 23, 24, and 25). 

*Fulfillment Status - Update to "Fulfilled"*

2. Head over to the right side and use the drop down to include as many rows as you would like

In this example where there are 14 orders fulfilled with my date rage, I can use the standard 25 order view to present the information. 

If I had a bigger set of data with 455 orders, I would updated the drop down to include 500 rows of orders

3. Hit "Export All Rows" (Shown above)

Your report will now be generated and will export as a .csv to then be viewed/ edited.

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