What is considered a high-touch order?

i Logistics USA offers different levels of order fulfillment pricing based on your packaging needs. 

During the Sales and Onboarding, your billing profile would be set based on your Packing SOP.

What is the difference between Standard and High-Touch fulfillment? 

STANDARD: Our Standard fulfillment process is all about automation, documentation, and your brand's packing SOP. 

We are able to automate the addition of marketing materials, handwritten notes, etc. that is a part of your (and our) standard process for your brand.

HIGH TOUCH: Glass products, breakables, jewelry, and other items require special packaging and handling. To this, the addition of extra items to the packaging process is outside of our standard processes.

Examples of this are the addition of tissue paper, wrapping, sticker closures, ribbons, etc. Any of these items being a part of your Packing SOP would bump an order into our high-touch tier with the corresponding pricing.

Want a more detailed explanation of High Touch?

Sure thing! 

In the High Touch fulfillment process, we are adding additional custom steps and time to our fulfillment process. We are also storing and handling items like tissue paper, closures, etc. outside of our standard packaging process. What do we love and recommend to make your order special for your customer?

Custom packaging! Marketing inserts! Other marketing materials!    In fact, this is one of the reasons why we started i Logistics USA.

We wanted to allow you to create personalizations for your fulfillment process the same way you would in your digital marketing strategy or email campaigns.

We would love to work with you on great additions to customize your customer's experience to find solutions that work for you and with you.

If you're interested in changing up your packaging SOP, or if you'd like to talk more about moving into the high-touch category, please schedule a call with your i Logistics USA Account Manager! 

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