How do I check if my items are "Backordered"?

When an item or SKU goes on “Backorder”, this can cause disruptions to your order flow until it is resolved. 

To check for what may be on “Backorder”, follow these steps: 

  1. From your ShipHero main screen, select “Products” from the “Inventory” drop down menu.2. Filter the 3rd column, labeled “Backorder” by clicking on the arrows above it, until it filters from largest to smallest backorder.3.From here, you can see what products are either completely out of stock, or have sold in large quantities to the point of backorder as all on hand or available stock has been ordered.  

2. Filter the 3rd column, labeled “Backorder” by clicking on the arrows above it, until it filters from largest to smallest backorder.

3.From here, you can see what products are either completely out of stock, or have sold in large quantities to the point of backorder as all on hand or available stock has been ordered.  

If any available stock needs to be allocated or prioritized to certain orders or customers, please see our knowledge base HERE. 

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